MOGRT Templates

Various Clients

Studio Projects

Shakr is a leading software service provider, specializing in generating dynamic & captivating video renders.

While at Shakr, I collaborated with well-known brands such as Amazon, Casper, Magazine Luiza, and others to craft customized animation templates.

These templates, created using After Effects, were tailored to each brand’s unique brand style and ad campaign goal. The challenge was to maintain a delicate balance between design excellence and template versatility. My MOGRT solution allows these templates to dynamically adapt to user input, delivering a truly personalized and engaging advertising experience.

Animator / Designer: Ken Kwong / Byulhee Yoo / Kyra Lim / Patricia Garcia / Mharga Villahermosa / Jem Bernardino / Dani Kathryna

Expressions Developer: Ken Kwong / Richard Abadilla
Videographer: Ilsu Yang
Producer: Eunsol Kim
Made at: Shakr

I implemented custom AE expressions to create flexible templates that adapt to extreme data input. Text and graphic elements react automatically for dynamic content.


What it does:

- sourceRectAtTime() dynamically resizes and aligns the pill shapes based on the entered text length

- The pill also hides itself when no text input is provided in sourceText

What it does:

- rgbToHsl is used to control elements' colors with hex code input

- hslToRgb is used for adjusting the lightness value to generate a gradient ramp on the lower text box

What it does:

- if/ else conditions are utilized to determine background display

- search() method is employed to allow flexible input matching, as long as the keyword is detected

- replace() method is used to disregard empty spaces and perform a non-case-sensitive comparison

What it does:

- for loop and if/ else dynamically adds line breaks to the input text, while also limiting the number of lines based on a customizable setting

- sourceRectAtTime is employed to automatically resize the text, ensuring it stays within the frame boundaries. Additionally, it is used to bottom-align the paragraph text and dynamically adjust the vertical size of the text box


These videos were generated based on product catalogs, with dynamic graphics using AE expressions.

We meticulously crafted the base video design templates, paying attention to every detail and design element, ensuring technical flexibility.

We also conducted in-depth studies of our clients’ brand style and past campaigns. Given that dynamic video product ads are a novel form of advertising, we ensured that our templates remained consistent with the existing content while also being visually appealing and engaging.

